Jenhong is 3 months old

Jenhong turned 3 months old yesterday! Time flies…

Brought Jenhong back to Dr. Hwang for injection and followup, as usual, he is a good boy, he don’t cry a lot. He grow well, 6.4kgs now! He is a chubby baby!

Recently, he has constipation, at most of the time, he don’t poo poo for 3 days! Gosh. We bring him back to Dr. Hwang 2 times this week because of his constipation. Dr. Hwang has confirmed that his stool is not hard, yet still soft, so things aren’t getting too bad. She teached us now to help stimulate him to pass motion, and recommended that we switch to another formula which helps him with his constipation until he gets better. This troublesome Jenhong… hopefully he can get used to poo poo everyday and will save us a lot of trouble.

Mommy is backed to working life, things are going well and mommy is getting busier! Soon will be very busy with project milestone as some of the items are actually behind schedule for now.

Until then… Mommy will continue to post of Jenhong’s progress whenever she has the time =)

Last but not least… here’s a recent clip of baby Jenhong… Enjoy~~
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